Balanced Mind Curriculum Conference
Who are we?
The Balanced Mind Curriculum Conference (BMCC), in collaboration with Nassau NYSCAME, affords educators an opportunity to receive high quality professional development in the areas of Art, Dance, Music, and Theater. Educators share ideas with colleagues across Long Island, New York with the overall aim to: ENHANCE content knowledge and pedagogical skill; PROMOTE a culture of professional inquiry; and, ADDRESS Common Core connections.
A list of Frequently Asked Questions are below. Please do not hesitate to contact us if you have any questions or would like to learn more information.

Frequently Asked Questions
The 2022 Balanced Mind Curriculum Conference (BMCC XXVI) will be taking place in person at Woodland Middle School (East Meadow UFSD).
If you are a registering to attend workshops the access code is teacher. If you would like to register as a department leader to view district billing and teacher registration use the access code director.
Create a teacher account, and a director account. You can use the same email and password for both accounts, simply toggle the teacher or department leader buttons upon login depending on what you’d like to do. To create your teacher account use the access code teacher. For your department leader account use the access code director.
Our system is stand-alone, and was custom designed for Balanced Mind. Please create a new account, using access code teacher. Directors also need an account specific to Balanced Mind (using access code director).
If you moved to a new district or have a new email address, simply create a new account.
If “forgot password” returns an error message, create a new account.
In order to register to become a clinician for the Balanced Mind Curriculum Conference, you need to complete the form that is located here.